Since 2009, we have enjoyed a fruitful collaboration with Onera (The French Aerospace Lab) on timing verification techniques for large-scale control systems, both in customer projects and research initiatives.
Our joint efforts have led to significant advances in Network Calculus timing verification algorithms and their implementation, making RTaW-Pegase suitable for the design and verification of very large and complex systems, such as networks in civil aircraft and power grid control systems.
The purpose of this collaboration is to better meet the needs of our end-users—including ABB, Airbus Helicopters, and automotive OEMs—who require techniques and tools to design their next-generation control systems in a provably safe yet cost-optimized manner.
We are thrilled to strengthen our scientific and commercial collaboration with ONERA through the signing of a new partnership, announced at ERTSS 2016, held from January 27–29, 2016: